Put your House Rules and important Information for your Guests in a QR Code

It can save you lots of time because you won’t have to keep reiterating information and answering the same questions over and over again. Every Accommodation Establishment or Short Term Villa Rental should have one on the Wall!
Manfredk.com can advise you and create the adequate codes for your business that will direct mobile visitors to your website, have them initiate a mail or watch one of your videos.
A House manual is a set of instructions explaining how to use your rental’s appliances, where to find certain amenities, and how guests can make the most of their stay.
The House manual is not the same as House Rules-although it is possible to combine them.
The content and the purpose is different: while the former is a collection of helpful instructions to make sure everything goes smoothly during your guest’s stay, the latter is a set of rules that you expect guests to follow.
Your House rules may appear on the listing page of booking.com or any other Booking Website so guests can review them before they request a reservation, your House manual does not show up on the listing page. It gets sent to guests in a message or they will find it inside the Property once the reservation has been confirmed.
When it comes to making a House or Villa manual, you have several options to choose from.
For example, you can use a free, easy-to-use tool like Canva to create your own design. If you search among Canva’s many design templates, you’ll find a few different ones that you can use as an welcome book template and adapt to your needs.
Once you’re done with the design, you can save your welcome book as a PDF and print it out, or send it to your guests in an email.
What should be included in your House Manual?
Your House Manual should include:
- 1.Welcome Message
- 2.Check-In and Check-Out Times
- 3.Parking Instructions (optional)
- 4.Wi-Fi Details
- 5.House Rules
- 6.How to use Appliances
- 7.Local Transport Information
- 8.Sights to see and Thing to do
- 9.Emergency Information
- 10.Contact Details
1. A short welcome message
Every House manual should start with a personal welcome message. It’s a great opportunity to establish a connection with your guests – which is especially important if you’re not doing in-person check-ins.
Guests are more likely to leave 5-star reviews if they can feel that there’s a human behind the rental they’re staying at. So let your personality shine through – but don’t go on forever. Remember, this is just the first page of your house manual!
2. Check-in and check-out times
To avoid changes in your schedule, you need to remind guests of check-in and check-out times as often as possible. Your House manual is a great chance to do just that. If you want, you can offer your guests a late check-out for free (if your schedule allows), or look at it as an up-selling opportunity and charge extra for it.
3. Parking instructions
Unless your Rental is located on a remote island, it’s likely that a portion of your guests will arrive by car. Be sure to give them parking instructions in your Welcome letter – and repeat them in your house manual, too.
4. Wifi details
This probably won’t surprise you, but the first thing guests ask when they step into your rental is: “What’s the wifi password?” To make things easy for them, include the Wifi details toward the beginning of your House manual.
5. House rules
We cannot stress the importance of making your Rentals House rules prominent enough. Setting clear House rules can save you from unruly guests and angry neighbors. It can also help you hold your guests accountable if they break any of your rules.
Be sure to include a list of your house rules in your house manual and use design as a way of stressing their importance. Don’t shy away from putting a red frame around your house rules.
6. How to use appliances
The purpose of your Rentals House manual is to provide guests with useful information about their stay. If they’ve chosen a private Villa Rental over a hotel, you can assume that they’ll want to use appliances like the coffeemaker or the washing machine. Make sure they understand how to operate everything – this way, you’ll avoid things breaking and guests getting confused.
7. Local transport information
While this is something that your guests could definitely look up themselves, giving them some insider tips on local transport is a nice gesture. You don’t have to cover everything, but it’s good to mention at least nearby taxi ranks or bus stops.
8. Sights to see and things to do
While you don’t need to provide a full city or area guide, your guests will appreciate a short intro to the destination and its sights. Plus, it’s another great chance to get a bit more personal. Include recommendations for your favorite things to do and restaurant to eat at. You can also add some useful information like directions to nearby grocery stores.
9. Emergency information
While it’s unlikely that your guests will need to contact emergency services during their stay, things can go wrong anytime. So just to be safe, list a few top emergency contact numbers toward the end of your Rentals Home manual.
10. Contact information
Last but not least, be sure to tell your guests where they can reach you if they can’t find answers to their questions in your house manual.
For more detailed Information on what other types of QR Codes are available please see here
Want to generate QR code for website links, contacts, text, Wifi, business card or social accounts?
I will create professional qr code for your website or for any link.
I can help with creating a Set of House Rules in print or .pdf form and then convert it into a QR CODE for you to display in your preferred location (wall, table, printed on an object etc.)
Suggested Workflow
1. Create your Document with all the Information you want your Guests to know.
2.Create a QR Code from the Document.
3.Print it out, laminate it and hand it over to Guests or distribute to the Rooms.Alternatively upload the printed document incl. the QR Code to your Website.