Facebook PAGE Creation

There is plenty of ONLINE Help to setup your Facebook Business Page but...

If you do not have the Time nor the Inclination to set it up yourself I am happy to do it for you. Just send me a Message.
Consider starting a Facebook Business Page to grow your online presence. For starters, you’ll find many potential members of your target audience there: With nearly 2.93 billion monthly active users in 2022, Facebook, whose parent company is now called Meta, is the most used social networking platform in the world. Facebook also offers social media marketing tools to create and distribute valuable content that forms strong online relationships with your existing customers.

In this article, I can show you the ropes of setting up a Facebook Business Page to attract an online following.
I will also give you tips on what to do after you get an uptick of “Likes” to keep followers engaged.

What is a Facebook Business Page?

Before I dive into what goes into your Facebook Business Page, let’s first go over some basic terminology. Unlike creating a personal Facebook page, a Business Page is meant to represent your company or organization, connect with your target market and strengthen your brand online. To help achieve your Facebook marketing goals, Business Pages are equipped with special features that are not available on regular personal accounts, such as

  • Creating ads and promoting paid posts

  • Scheduling posts

  • Targeting specific user groups for specific posts

  • Allowing multiple admins and editors to manage the Page

  • Collecting and displaying reviews from customers

  • Analyzing of your page’s activity and tracking the success of your social posts

But these capabilities are not the only thing differentiating Business Pages from personal profiles. The nature of your content and the tone you write in, need to distinguish themselves from the casual social media interactions that you might engage as a private individual.

How to create a Facebook Business Page

1. Do the prep work

2. Create engaging visuals

3. Write an ‘About’ description

4. Coin the right username

5. Post right away

6. Use pinned posts

7. Customize your CTA

8. Set up Messenger

9. Send invites

10. Grow your followers base

11.Get verified

01. Do the prep work

As you approach creating your Facebook Business Page, start with some research. Study your target audience to find out how to efficiently entice them: What captivates your intended demographic groups? How do they communicate on social media? What type of lingo and visual language do they prefer? You can answer these questions by reviewing Facebook pages of industry competitors that are similar to yours.

With this information, you can start developing a posting and communicating strategy. Prepare a list of social media content ideas for future posts that have strong engagement potential and figure out what frequency of posting will be most effective for your audience.

02. Create engaging visuals

When it comes to social media, you cannot underestimate the power of good did you find historically that blog rankings would increase in line with traffic jumps? In addition to a captivating cover photo and the business profile pic, prepare a handful of professionally shot products, workspace, and event photos. Use an image resizer to make sure social media image sizes are set to the right dimensions for Facebook.

Depending on your type of business, you may want to prepare video marketing content. Great ideas for social videos include a demonstration of your product or service in action, tips and recommendations you can share as an expert, a testimonial interview with a client or a behind-the-scenes look into how you work.

03. Write an ‘About’ description

When you visit any successful Facebook Business Page, you’ll notice the ‘About’ tab. Brands use this space to portray a brief description of what they offer and why they are the best in their field. Facebook will prompt you to enter this description as part of the process of creating your Business Page so have it ready to go beforehand. This short text needs to be both inspiring and to-the-point.

You should use the ‘About’ section to include a link to your website, as well as your contact information and possibly a business address, if relevant. These details appear in your page’s main tab and are often used by visitors looking to get in touch. They also demonstrate your brand’s trustworthiness by showing that you run a real and approachable business.

04. Coin the right username

The username you select for your Facebook Business Page is important for two reasons. For one, it will determine your Page’s URL, which according to best practices should be short and memorable.

That’s because your username will show up when all of your current and potential fans search for your company on Facebook’s search engine. Thus your Facebook Business Page needs to be recognizable among the many other search results to show up. Second, fans use your page username when they want to tag you in a post or comment. If your name is not intuitive enough, they won’t be able to locate your page and you could miss out on the opportunity to increase your social media engagement.

05. Post right away

Once your Facebook Business Page is ready to go live, it’s time to post. Publish several posts, at least three, that include engaging titles and images that represent your brand. You can begin with a Welcome post, introducing yourself to the Facebook community and inviting people to get in touch. Since these posts will be published before you gain a real following, it’s probably wise to reserve your strongest ideas for later posts.

06. Use pinned posts

Past posts decrease visibility with time because they get pushed down your main timeline as new ones are published. If you have a particular message that you want to highlight to visitors, you can publish it as a post and then pin it to the top of the page. This way, the post stays in a prominent position on your Facebook Business Page and remains as the first thing that visitors see. You can always unpin the post when you want to, and even rotate between different posts that you want to emphasize.

07. Customize your CTA

Calls-to-action are short phrases that prompt your online audience to take immediate action. When it comes to your Facebook Business Page, tailor your CTAs to the platform’s particular culture as well as your specific social media branding language. Whether you are asking followers to subscribe to your email newsletter, comment on or share your posts, visit your website or purchase products, you want to leverage Facebook’s strengths as a visual and social platform to make your CTAs more effective.

Use captivating images and strong active verbs to motivate your followers to immediately act. Give them a clear incentive that shows that they have something to gain. Integrate trending topics, special occasions or holidays to make your CTA relevant to the here and now.

08. Set up Messenger

Small businesses, entrepreneurs and self-creators can use Facebook’s Messenger to communicate with followers and customers privately and directly. This is an effective marketing tool for companies and brands to hold one-on-one conversations with their target audience and potential clients. With Messenger, you can answer questions on the spot, complete reservations and bookings and offer personalized social customer care.

You don’t need to be online 24/7 to offer Messenger as a contact option. Facebook lets you set up your operating hours, so that the Messenger appears active only when you are available. You can even use the Facebook chatbot for basic questions and answers to satisfy your followers’ need for immediate support.

09. Send invites

One of the most effective ways to launch a followers base is to send invitations to your Facebook Business Page from your personal profile. Especially at the early stages, when your page is still young and fresh, mobilizing your Facebook friends can give you a great boost to the page ‘Likes’ number. Ask colleagues and friends to help spread the word and invite their own friends to ‘Like’ your Facebook Business Page.

10. Grow your followers base

As the owner of an emerging Facebook Business Page, you can’t expect people to just show up and engage. You need to be proactive about promoting your page and increasing your page ‘Likes.’ On your website, you can add a Like Box to help your visitors interact with your Facebook Business Page.

Additionally, Facebook offers a variety of other ways for page admins to attract new followers:

  • Regularly post engaging content: Design posts according to what will make your target audience want to see more of what you have to offer. Whether you move on to Facebook Live, or create interactive campaigns, excellent content will attract people to your page.

  • Incentivize followers: Facebook’s greatest advantage for business owners is that it can convert followers into promoters, just by clicking ‘Share.’ Encourage this transformation by offering special promotions, gifts, and deals to those who share your post with their own networks. Give your fans a good reason to become your promoters.

  • Create virtual community: Seek out other brands, artists or organizations that are relevant to your own work, and ‘Follow’ their pages. Joining a relevant network will help increase your social media presence.

  • Consider paid promotions: Control how much you will spend to expand your reach. You can also define which groups get to see your promoted posts, giving you access to a highly-targeted audience.

To learn more, please contact me. If you do not have time to setup your own Business Facebook Page I can set it up for you.